You know how every girl has the one shade she feels is never gonna let her down? No matter what the occasion is? Well, if you don't then you need to get busy swatching sweeties coz your perfect shade is out there waiting for you to show up and carry it home! I know its this lipstick that does it for me! Remember I mentioned Revlon Rosy Nude Lipstick as MLBB (and it is) but there are days when you want a little more pop than a nude can give you, and still stay elegant and thats why we have #39 from the Freedom System!

Buy it again? I will once I hit pan on this! But thats gonna take a long long time coz you hardly need any color on your brush to do the whole lip.
I give it : 4.5/5
Its a pretty pink shade with hints of brown and plum (Jeez you'd think I've gone colour blind the way I'm describing it :P) which looks very pretty but not in a way that makes you feel as if you need to tone down the rest of your make up. You can still do a dramatic eye look and still have a pop of color on ur lips!Thats the beauty of this lipstick.Sometmes when I'm not in the mood to do a whole lot and I know I don't have any meetings, I'll just wear this and an eyeliner and be happy with how I look.
This is one of those shades that you can carry with you and use it to do a day and an evening look.
- Creamy texture - satin finish
- Moisturising
- Long lasting - stays for 4 hours easily with light meals but me being me, can't skip a meal to check whether it lasts through a full meal :P
- Covers pigmentation well
- It hides the fine lines of the lips
- Teeth appear whiter (tea/coffee junkies take note)
- After it fades, it leaves a stain behind on the lips
- One pan will last a long time- small amount sufficient for whole lip
- Very versatile shade, perfect for any occasion!I'm wearing it to wok these days :)
- Using a brush makes it difficult to touch up on the move.
- I can only think of availability as an issue, otherwise this is an amazing shade
I give it : 4.5/5
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